Search Tag: blood test
2016 20 Jan
More precise use of antibiotics may result from a blood test, according to an observational study from scientists at Duke Health, published in Science Translational Medicine . The infectious disease and genomics experts developed ‘gene signatures’, which are patterns that reflect which of a patient’s genes are turned on or off, to indicate whether...Read more
2015 18 Aug
A new study in BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making describes how information theory can be used to quantify the amounts of redundant information associated with common ICU laboratory tests. Researchers say that information theory can help identify and discourage unnecessary testing and bloodwork, and can be a useful data analytic tool especially...Read more
2015 11 Apr
Standard assessments that nurses already use to care for patients can provide data that significantly improve the ability to predict survival following a liver transplant and may help improve patient outcomes. This finding is based on a study from Liver Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and published in the journal Hepatology ....Read more
2015 02 Mar
According to an article published in The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, laboratory testing among patients undergoing cardiac surgery can lead to excessive bloodletting and can increase the risk of developing hospital-acquired anaemia and the need for blood transfusion. Previous research already shows that patients who receive blood transfusions...Read more
2015 22 Feb
According to researchers, combining data from two standard diagnostic tests commonly obtained in children evaluated for abdominal pain can help physicians to identify those patients who need surgery for appendicitis; those who may be admitted for observation; and those who may safely be discharged home. The findings are published online in the Journal...Read more