Search Tag: antibiotics

Executive Health Management

2024 04 Jun

  In 2016, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) gained unprecedented political attention at a UN high-level meeting. This gathering marked only the fourth occasion the UN convened to address a health issue, underscoring the severity of the AMR crisis. UN member states pledged to tackle AMR through a coordinated approach spanning human health, animal health,...Read more

Executive Health Management

2021 26 Nov

An overview of antibiotic resistance, causative factors, reasons for the lack of research and drug development in this area and potential solutions. Key Points Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health. The  primary  culprit of fuelling antibiotic resistance is the misuse and overuse of existing antibiotic...Read more

Executive Health Management

2020 22 Jul

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Executive Health Management

2020 15 Jun

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Executive Health Management

2017 08 Feb

Philips and Diagnostics Development, a P&M Venge company, evaluate the novel human neutrophil lipocalin (HNL) biomarker for the rapid detection of bacterial infection Based on Philips’ Minicare I-20 handheld diagnostics platform, the Minicare HNL assay is recognized for its potential to provide physicians with 10-minute confirmation of bacterial...Read more

Executive Health Management

2017 22 Apr

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Executive Health Management

2015 04 Jun

A new University of Michigan and VA study shows that older adults are three times more likely to develop sepsis — a body-wide catastrophic response to infection — in the first three months after leaving a hospital than at any other time. Notably, the risk of sepsis is 70 percent higher for those who received care that is likely to alter the balance...Read more

Executive Health Management

2015 25 Feb

Wealthier areas of the US have more antibiotic prescriptions written per capita, where there is greater competition among care providers, according to new research from Johns Hopkins. Patients in such areas may be more able and likely to shop for physicians who are willing to write a prescription. As a result, doctors’ offices compete with retail medical...Read more

Executive Health Management

2014 17 Nov

EMA supports innovative approaches to facilitate development of new antibiotics The European Medicines Agency (EMA) supports European Antibiotic Awareness Day (EAAD), which is taking place on Tuesday 18 November. EAAD is organised every year by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). It aims to raise awareness of the threat...Read more

Executive Health Management

2014 07 Nov

On-the-spot tests for bacterial infections, which only take about three minutes to process, may help to reduce excessive use of antibiotics. Researchers in Denmark performed a systematic review showing that doctors who tested for the presence of bacterial infections were prescribing fewer antibiotics. Their findings are published online in The Cochrane...Read more

Executive Health Management

2014 12 Mar

According to research findings described in an article entitled "Discovery of a New Class of Non-beta-lactam Inhibitors of Penicillin-Binding Proteins with Gram-Positive Antibacterial Activity", and published in the the Journal of the American Chemical Society, a team of University of Notre Dame researchers have discovered a new class of antibiotics...Read more

Executive Health Management

2013 14 Nov

A four-year project entitled ‘TAILORED-Treatment’ is aimed at establishing a successful strategy to enhance the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment, lowering any potential therapy side-effects and limiting the rise of antimicrobial resistance in patients. Coordinated by the Netherland’s Erasmus MC, Rotterdam it is funded with € 6.000.000 by the...Read more

Executive Health Management

2013 11 Nov

According to research published in the British Medical Journal, a new 'clinical score' test devised for patients with a sore throat could lower antibiotics prescription rates of and lead to faster patient recovery. In a bid to determine whether to prescribe patients with an antibiotic immediately or to give them a delayed prescription, and comparing...Read more