Search Tag: Policy

IT Management

2019 18 Jun

  Patient data is one of the keystones to streamlining and making healthcare more effective. But, added to in-house operational obstacles is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which imposes stringent restrictions on data use across sectors.   A leader in healthcare digitalisation and, patient data collection and use in particular,...Read more

IT Management

2019 23 May

  A cross-party think tank Policy Connect and the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Data Analytics in the UK, have called for a ‘settlement’ on public data between the citizen and bodies which provide public services.   The parliamentary group met at Westminster this week to present their findings in their report ‘ Trust, Transparency...Read more

IT Management

2015 04 Sep

Healthcare providers deal with numerous requirements from different regulatory bodies, and having a policy management system can help them stay up to date on these requirements and improve compliance. By automating policy management, hospitals can save time and money, as well as reduce risk, according to Saud Juman, CEO and founder of PolicyMedical,...Read more