Search Tag: Nestle Health Science
2020 03 Jan
Atrium innovations, a nestlé health science company, to leverage clinician-designed, algorithm-driven platform with healthcare providers A trium Innovations, a globally-recognized leader in the development, manufacturing, and commercialization of innovative, science-based nutritional health products, takes the next step in the company’s mission...Read more
2019 26 Sep
The following is an overview of the DIVINE trial (Dietary Management of Glucose Variabilty in the ICU) as well as a quick summary of the role of glucose control and outcomes in critically ill patients. The DIVINE study was funded by Nestlé. Clinical studies show that goal nutrition may not result in the best outcomes. Available data suggest that...Read more
2016 01 Sep
Investment in company Phagenesis to address swallowing difficulties experienced by stroke patients Nestlé Health Science is entering into a staged, milestone-based acquisition of Phagenesis Ltd, a UK-based company developing Phagenyx®, an innovative pharyngeal electrical stimulation device to treat dysphagia (swallowing difficulty) commonly...Read more
2015 15 Oct
Nestlé Health Science and GE Healthcare are announcing a collaboration to improve nutrition monitoring for patients in intensive care units (ICU). The collaboration aims to connect the technology that delivers nutrients to the patient with the advanced analytic technology that measures the specific nutrition a patient needs. This will enable an integrated...Read more