Search Tag: Mayo Clinic
2024 17 Aug
<marquee behavior="slide" direction="left" scrollamount="30"><h2 style="text-align: center;"><font color="#000099"><b>Find Mato Clinic On Social Media</b> </font></h2><div style="text-align: center;"><a href= target="_blank"><img src="/uploads/twnew.png" style="text-align: initial;" width=65 height=65>Read more
2024 26 Apr
<marquee behavior="slide" direction="left" scrollamount="30"><h2 style="text-align: center;"><font color="#000099"><b>Find Mayo Clinic On Social Media</b> </font></h2><div style="text-align: center;"><a href= target="_blank"<img src="/uploads/twnew.png" style="text-align: initial;" width=65 height=65><Read more
2023 07 Nov
Agamon Health's Patient Adherence platform is aimed at raising standards of cardiovascular care Agamon Health is a healthcare technology company that uses Generative AI and workflow automation to close gaps in patient care. In collaboration with Mayo Clinic through a know-how agreement, Agamon Health aims to extend its offering to cardiology....Read more
2023 30 Oct
According to new survey data shared in Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology, experts along with the Mayo Clinic and Loma Linda University Medical Center recently conducted a study to investigate patients' preferences for radiology reports. Their analysis involved the feedback of nearly 500 individuals who received treatment at LLUMC between 2019...Read more
2023 06 Oct
Mayo Clinic is partnering with Microsoft to test their new generative AI service, Microsoft 365 Copilot. Mayo Clinic and Microsoft will be among the first health systems to deploy this Copilot. The new generative AI service combines large language models with organisational data to increase productivity in the healthcare industry. Mayo Clinic's objective...Read more
2022 06 Oct
According to a study published in JAMA Network Open , diagnosis established through video consultation matched in-person diagnosis in 86.9% of cases. This diagnostic study followed 2393 Mayo Clinic patients who u nderwent a video consultation followed by a face-to-face outpatient appointment for the same clinical problem within a 90-day window....Read more
2021 15 Jan
Leaders from healthcare and tech industry, including Mayo Clinic, Microsoft and Oracle, are joining forces in the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI) to establish a standard for digital vaccination records. You might also like: COVID-19 Vaccines: Need for Global Tracking System The new initiative aims to provide every...Read more
2020 28 Feb
Most radiology practices in the U.S. implement supplemental screening, but modalities and referral methods are variable. These were the findings of researchers at Mayo Clinic. Furthermore, in some cases, practice features correlate with the availability of supplemental screening. These features provide insights into current trends in...Read more
2020 22 Jan
In today’s pressing environment, it is not always easy to achieve generally accepted evidence-based allocation of nursing resources. While delivering higher quality of care at a lower price is seen as a key goal, proper investing in nurse staff persists as a challenge. The new report (Begley, Cipriano, Nelson 2020) published by the Healthcare...Read more
2019 05 Dec
Mayo Clinic has announced that healthcare IT veteran John Halamka M.D., will lead its Mayo Clinic Platform at the start of January 2020 The platform will position Mayo Clinic as a global leader within digital healthcare. Dr. Halamka, an emergency medicine physician, has held a number of eminent digital healthcare positions over...Read more
2019 28 Nov
A new joint venture, first of its kind in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has been announced between Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA) , the largest healthcare network in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Mayo Clinic , a not-for-profit global organisation in medical care, education and research. The new enterprise will be the operator...Read more
2019 24 Sep
Consumerism is becoming more pervasive in healthcare and altering the way hospitals operate in order to better serve the patient, as the consumer, who wants better access to high-quality care at reasonable costs. The changing healthcare economy is putting stress on health systems and hospitals, as they now also have to compete with retail...Read more
2020 30 Jun
2019 06 Aug
Patients today are taking a more active role in their health, and in response to this, more emphasis is being made to keep the patient at the centre of care. Especially in radiology, more areas of the field are focussing on patient-centred healthcare experiences. Initiatives such as the co-location of radiologists and clinicians and creating easy-to-understand...Read more
2019 15 Jan
Radiologists and administrators working together is key to successfully navigate within the current 'lion's arena'- unpredictable, demanding, shifting healthcare ecosystem. In a report published in the JACR , experts show that leadership of a department or organisation, when there is intentional and mindful doctor-administrator partnership results...Read more