Search Tag: Laboratory Medicine

Executive Health Management

2024 18 Sep

“Lab 4.0”, shortage of skilled personnel, incentives for major disease complexes and a look ahead   What are the most exciting developments in medicine right now? At MEDICA in Düsseldorf, the world’s leading trade fair for the healthcare business and the medical technology industry, the professional forums and their accompanying stage programme...Read more

Executive Health Management

2024 27 Jul

Find Conference Series On Social Media   Read more

Executive Health Management

2023 05 Sep

Cancer and coronary diseases, infections and new anti-bacterial active substances, digitalisation and artificial intelligence – these are some of the top issues discussed this year at the MEDICA LABMED FORUM, which is part of the MEDICA 2023 trade fair in Düsseldorf. Over the last years, the forum has developed into an especially noted part of the...Read more

Executive Health Management

2023 21 May

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Executive Health Management

2021 20 Sep

Hybrid Event Find OAP on Social Media Read more

Executive Health Management

2022 26 Jun

Find WorldLab SEOUL on Social Media Read more

Executive Health Management

2022 10 Apr

Find Euromedlab 2021 On Social Media Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 20 Sep

Find OAP on Social Media Read more

Executive Health Management

2019 06 Apr

Find North Africa Health on Social Media      Read more

Executive Health Management

2018 21 Aug

Khosrow Shotorbani  CEO and founder of the lab 2.0 Strategic Services Healthcare systems globally are undergoing a paradigm shift from ‘sick care’ to ‘well care’. With budgets becoming ever more stretched, cost avoidance through disease prevention and early intervention are the only viable option – we can no longer afford to simply care...Read more

Executive Health Management

2018 14 Apr

Find  MEDiCONEX  on Social Media        Read more

Executive Health Management

2018 02 Jul

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Executive Health Management

2017 22 Oct

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Executive Health Management

2017 11 Jun

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