Search Tag: Imaging Studies

IMAGING Management

2024 28 Jun

  A new Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute study found that radiologists interpreted 72.1% of all imaging studies for Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries in 2022, with the remaining 27.9% performed by other types of clinicians. Market share varied by imaging modality; radiologists interpreted 97.3% of computed tomography (CT), 91.0% of...Read more

Executive Health Management

2024 28 Jun

  A new Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute study found that radiologists interpreted 72.1% of all imaging studies for Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries in 2022, with the remaining 27.9% performed by other types of clinicians. Market share varied by imaging modality; radiologists interpreted 97.3% of computed tomography (CT), 91.0% of...Read more

Finance Management

2024 28 Jun

  A new Harvey L. Neiman Health Policy Institute study found that radiologists interpreted 72.1% of all imaging studies for Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries in 2022, with the remaining 27.9% performed by other types of clinicians. Market share varied by imaging modality; radiologists interpreted 97.3% of computed tomography (CT), 91.0% of...Read more