Search Tag: HL7 FHIR
2023 03 Jul
Recognizing the importance of interoperability standards in digital health transformation, WHO and standards-development organization, Health Level Seven International (HL7®), signed a Project Collaboration Agreement to support the adoption of open interoperability standards, globally. Adoption of interoperability standards are critical for consistent...Read more
2021 14 Jun
In this space I will explore monthly topics, from concepts to technologies, related to the necessary steps to build Digital Healthcare Systems. For this month, I have invited Mr Giorgio Cangioli to co-author a brief article on Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR), as hospitals and their interconnections are a critical asset and next...Read more
2021 15 Jan
Leaders from healthcare and tech industry, including Mayo Clinic, Microsoft and Oracle, are joining forces in the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI) to establish a standard for digital vaccination records. You might also like: COVID-19 Vaccines: Need for Global Tracking System The new initiative aims to provide every...Read more
2019 21 Aug
David Hancock, the healthcare executive advisor at InterSystems, was recently elected vendor co-chair of INTEROPen , a UK collaboration that promotes open standards for interoperability in the health and care sector. spoke to David about why he wants INTEROPen to be vendor-led and how this approach will help both suppliers and...Read more