Search Tag: ECR

IMAGING Management

2013 06 Mar

Canon Europe will launch nine DelftDI digital radiography (DR) modalities, four new Canon flat panel DR detectors and several healthcare IT solutions at ECR.    DelftDI, now a Canon Group company, will launch a range of new DR modalities, designed to allow radiographers to create bespoke solutions. Highlights of the showcase at ECR are: Adora...Read more

IMAGING Management

2013 05 Mar

Unfors RaySafe presents the new software solution RaySafe S1 for the first time in Europe at the European Congress of Radiology in Vienna, 7-11 March 2013, following its launch in the USA and Canada in November 2012.  The cloud-based solution enables efficient dose management within the diagnostic imaging process. The software helps to reduce faulty...Read more

IMAGING Management

2013 05 Mar

Shimadzu will launch its latest product, the Sonialvision G4 R/F system, during ECR 2013.  Equipped with the largest available FPD at 43 x 43 cm and Shimadzu’s next generation digital imaging platform, the Sonialvision G4 covers the widest possible range of examinations, providing inter-departmental hospital capability. Combined with the large...Read more