Search Tag: patient outcomes

IT Management

2024 08 Jul

  As a founding program partner of Abbott's Univants of Healthcare Excellence Awards, HIMSS is pleased to recognize and celebrate the 12 team awardees who are collaborating across disciplines to transform healthcare delivery and the lives of patients.    Each of the recognized teams achieved measurably better healthcare with innovative, diverse...Read more

IT Management

2024 20 Jun

  In today's digitally driven healthcare landscape, organisations face escalating challenges from cyber threats and natural disasters, which can disrupt critical operations with profound consequences for patient care. Nataraj Nagaratnam, an IBM fellow, highlights that downtime caused by events such as ransomware attacks averages more than two weeks,...Read more

IT Management

2024 15 May

  Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly utilised in healthcare, offering potential for improved patient outcomes and streamlined clinical processes. Patient-facing conversational AI agents, such as chatbots, engage directly with patients for tasks like symptom diagnosis and appointment scheduling. Despite their benefits, concerns persist regarding...Read more

IT Management

2024 26 Apr

  Traditional approaches to data governance are inadequate in the era of artificial intelligence and abundant data. The sheer volume of data needed for AI, the complexity of AI models, and the privacy and regulatory challenges of handling large patient datasets demand reevaluation. An effective strategy involves focusing on how AI is utilised at...Read more

IT Management

2024 20 Mar

  The landscape of patient care is evolving, extending beyond traditional healthcare settings, which promises improved outcomes but also introduces new demands on healthcare provider networks and digital technologies. The emergence of care-at-home models, bolstered by initiatives like the U.S. Centres for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Acute...Read more