Search Tag: radiographers

Artificial Intelligence

2024 17 May

  The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into radiography has brought significant advancements in diagnostic capabilities and workflow efficiency, but it also presents ethical challenges. Radiographers play a crucial role in this integration, and understanding their perspectives on AI ethics is vital. Ethical considerations include patient...Read more

IMAGING Management

2022 13 Sep

Find International Cambridge Conference  on Breast Cancer Imaging  on Social Media   Read more

IMAGING Management

2019 06 Mar

Incoming European Society of Radiology  president Boris Brkljačić 's announces his vision for ECR2020. True to tradition, on the last day of the ECR2019, incoming ESR President Boris Brkljačić, professor of radiology and vice-dean at University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia, and chair of the Department of Diagnostic and Interventional...Read more