Search Tag: public health

IT Management

2024 27 Jun

  In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the vulnerabilities of the public health infrastructure have been laid bare, prompting urgent calls for bolstering our defences against future threats. This renewed focus on resilience has sparked interest in leveraging advanced technologies, particularly generative AI, to not only combat infectious diseases...Read more

IT Management

2020 11 Sep

Non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs), ranging from the most stringent lockdowns to less restrictive social distancing rules, have been implemented by different countries to control coronavirus spread and prevent COVID-19 cases overwhelming their healthcare systems.   You might also like: COVID-19 Exit Strategy Simulator Available...Read more

IT Management

2020 21 Feb

With the 2020 HIMSS Global Health Conference (HIMSS20) fast approaching, organisers have been providing regular updates to allay fears of participants over the ongoing coronavirus situation. HIMSS20 , set for 9-13 March at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, FL, will proceed "as scheduled" according to HIMSS officials in the most...Read more