Search Tag: health data
2019 02 Oct
Driving Toward the Goals of the Quadruple Aim Innovation comes in many forms and for many reasons. It can spur positive change or can extend beyond “change” to “disruption” of an industry. It can be a metamorphosis, or simply an alteration to an existing process. It can be designed to make jobs easier, achieve better results, or increase connectivity....Read more
2019 02 Oct
An overview of Affidea’s journey embedding digital tools across its network to orchestrate patient care and improve patient experience. It was the airline industry which proved 60 years ago that through digitisation, airports could become more efficient and safer. Airports introduced the air traffic control technology which allowed them to...Read more
2019 02 Oct
Summary: With a rapidly growing older population, effective care for ageing patients will require healthcare stakeholders to collaborate in managing the whole health of these patients. Throughout the world, but especially in Europe and Northern America, the population is ageing at an alarming rate. The United Nations Department of Economic...Read more
2019 05 Sep
Digitalisation has made a huge impact on life today, this is not only seen in manufacturing but also communications and particularly in healthcare services. By digitalising healthcare, we can provide high-quality care whilst also improving patient experiences. Healthcare’s digitalisation is evident, although this seems to be happening slowly due...Read more