Search Tag: critically ill patients

ICU Management

2024 18 Jun

  A recent systematic review evaluated the effectiveness and safety of proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) for preventing stress ulcers in critically ill patients. The review included randomised trials that compared PPIs with placebo or no prophylaxis in critically ill adults. Meta-analyses were performed, and evidence was assessed using the Grading...Read more

ICU Management

2024 19 Mar

  Findings from a systematic review on early mobilisation were presetned at #ISICEM24. The findings were just published in Lancet Respiratory Medicine.    Recent clinical practice guidelines have incorporated mobilisation during critical illness. Yet, findings from a significant randomised trial and systematic review suggest a higher likelihood...Read more

ICU Management

2023 14 Nov

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ICU Management

2022 01 Mar

    Jean-Louis Vincent (MODERATOR) Editor-in-Chief  @ ICU Management & Practice Professor Department of Intensive Care Erasme Hospital Université libre de Bruxelles Brussels, Belgium   Khara M Sauro Assistant Professor  @ Departments of Community Health Sciences, Surgery and Oncology Topic : Exploring Trends...Read more

ICU Management

2021 01 Jun

Many critical care patients with severe acute kidney injury (AKI), especially those who develop refractory complications, receive renal replacement therapy (RRT). However, when RRT should be initiated for these patients remains unclear. There is a consensus that in patients with urgent or refractory complications, RRT should be started. However, the...Read more

ICU Management

2020 12 Nov

Find Amomed on Social Media   Read more

ICU Management

2019 23 Apr

U.S. researchers examined how often clinicians and surrogates in intensive care units (ICUs) incorporate critically ill patients’ values and preferences into treatment decisions. They analysed 249 audiorecorded clinician-family conferences about prognosis and goals of care for incapacitated, critically ill patients.  Results show that most...Read more

ICU Management

2019 03 Apr

The French Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (SFPT) and the French Society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine (SFAR) have released guidelines on the optimisation of beta-lactam treatment in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. The two groups strongly recommend the use of personalised dosing, continuous or prolonged infusion and therapeutic...Read more

ICU Management

2018 14 Nov

A rethink of blood glucose targets in critically ill patients is needed, according to James S. Krinsley, MD, FCCP, Department of Medicine, Stamford Hospital, writing in an editorial in Chest . Krinsley outlines the take-home points from the observational multicentre study by Hersh et al. that analysed outcomes for 1895 medical and surgical cardiac...Read more

ICU Management

2018 13 Nov

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