Search Tag: Radiologist
2023 20 Nov
Philips AI-enabled clinical applications platform helps to speed up diagnoses of bone fractures, providing faster, more efficient, high-quality care to millions of patients across Norway The ongoing shortage of skilled radiologists and a high level of staff burn-out in many countries, including Norway, makes it more important than ever for clinicians...Read more
2023 13 Apr
A retrospective study was undertaken to identify factors linked to adherence to radiology follow-up recommendations by the referring physicians. In 2019, a team assessed data from a single large medical centre, where CT, ultrasound and MRI reports were searched for alongside reports containing the keyword ‘recommend’ and any other synonym such...Read more
2019 11 Dec
Errors in interpreting imaging studies, particularly CT scans, are the leading cause of patient injury involving diagnostic radiologists, according to a study by malpractice insurer The Doctor’s Company. You might also like: Radiologist Risks in Communicating Unexpected Findings The study analysed about 600 malpractice claims against...Read more
2019 04 Dec
Affidea and Aidence announce a strategic partnership to streamline and improve the clinical performance of lung diagnosis and screening to drive the earlier detection and treatment in the case of lung cancer. As the leading European provider of advanced diagnostic imaging services, Affidea is starting the collaboration with Aidence, a medical...Read more
2017 20 Feb
Efficient patient-centric care models require consolidating mountains of data. Acquisitions and regionalization further compound the challenge. How does an organization capitalize on what could easily become a liability? Fredrik Gustavsson, Sectra CTO, sums up the answer simply, “Don’t buy technology. Buy solutions for your clinical pathways.”...Read more
2017 16 Feb
As the United States moves to value-based healthcare, how should radiology concentrate on delivering better value, both at the individual and organisational level? Radiology across the world is facing the same challenges. There was a time, before digitised films, picture archive and communication systems (PACS) and computers to view the images,...Read more
2017 16 Feb
The value and importance of multidisciplinary teams in breast cancer was demonstrated at the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) congress in Paris in October 2016, when oncologists, radiologists, pathologists and surgeons spoke at a session on neoadjuvant chemotherapy Rationale for Neoadjuvant Treatment by Suzette Delaloge & Fabienne...Read more