Search Tag: AKI


2024 23 Jun

  Sepsis can progress to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome or multiorgan failure. Globally, sepsis-related deaths are estimated at 11 million annually, representing 19.7% of total deaths, with a global age-standardised death rate of 148.1 per 100,000 people. Despite advancements in treatment, the case fatality rate for sepsis remains high at 30%...Read more


2023 24 Jul

Researchers from the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) have identified a novel biomarker that could revolutionise sepsis treatment. Sepsis, a life-threatening condition triggered by the body's extreme response to infection, is a leading cause of death in ICUs, often resulting in organ damage and failure.   In a recent study published...Read more

ICU Management

2021 13 Apr

Delaying renal replacement therapy (RRT) in critically ill patients with severe kidney injury and no severe complication is safe and can allow optimisation of the use of medical devices. However, uncertainty still remains regarding the duration for which RRT can be delayed without risk to the patient. In this study, the researchers evaluate a more-delayed...Read more

ICU Management

2017 22 Nov

Achieving large-scale behaviour change with the NHS Wales programme In 2016 NHS Wales received the Global Sepsis Award, recognising the work throughout the healthcare system on improving identification and treatment of sepsis, which has coincided with an apparent reduction in mortality and ICU admissions for patients with two International...Read more

ICU Management

2017 16 Mar

Acute kidney injury (AKI), a rapid decline in renal function, is highly prevalent in critically ill patients, and is associated with an increased risk of short- and long-term complications that extend beyond the acute phase (Pickkers et al. 2017). AKI is defined and classified by an increase in serum creatinine or a decline in urine output, both...Read more