3QBD was founded in April 2000 by two highly skilled professionals, Dr. Avraham Lorber and Dr. Zeev Karpas, both well known analytical chemists, each with over 30 years experience in the area of biotechnology.

3QBD's vision has always been to provide the field of Women's Healthcare with a new diagnostic tool that would improve the health and wellbeing of women throughout the world. Today, with the first 3QBD Solution, women can receive better healthcare as their gynecologists, obstetricians or healthcare practitioners are able to diagnose vaginal infections more accurately, effectively and efficiently, and so prescribe the correct treatment for their conditionwithout delay.

Future developments for 3QBD include expanding research into other medical fields, to detect additional infections and diseases, particularly in oncology.

Haplada 8 Industrial Park Israel,
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