Health Management

Innovative Diagnostics at Varese Hospital With the uCT 780 CT Scanner

2024 24 May

  A United Imaging Healthcare uCT 780 CT scanner installed at the Ospedale di Circolo e Fondazione Macchi di Varese in the small town of Varese in the far north-western province of Lombardy.   Key Points The uCT 780 CT scanner from United Imaging Healthcare is a state-of-the-art medical device used primarily for diagnostic imaging. ...Read more

ICU Management

Critical Care Monitoring: Time for Hospital-Wide Monitoring and Response Capabilities?

2024 17 May

  Physiological monitoring has a rich 200-year history. In this article, the authors look into the components of an ideal monitoring system and highlight how advancements in modern technology could enable the development of an effective continuous monitoring and response system.   The continuous monitoring of patient vital signs is a required...Read more

ICU Management

Taking Care of the Lung Donor: A Task For Every Hospital

2024 17 May

  Every hospital can contribute to adequate lung donation. Learning and understanding the management of potential donors will allow them to receive proper care and be referred to save a life.   Introduction Organ transplants are, in many cases, the only therapeutic option for patients with terminal diseases in different organs (Westphal...Read more

ICU Management

When Hospitals Shrink: Preventing Loss of Hospital Beds Through Effective Bed Management

2024 19 Apr

  With an ageing population and more sophisticated treatments, hospitals must become more bed-efficient or risk contracting. Strategic management is needed since ineffective bed management can reduce bed availability.   Introduction There are multiple challenges for healthcare institutions in the coming decades. Important demographic changes...Read more

Health Management

A Net Zero Hospital: The Challenges of Establishing a Net Zero Emissions Healthcare Centre

2024 29 Feb

  Human health is linked to the planet, and climate change poses a serious risk. Healthcare contributes 4.4% to global CO 2 emissions. This article provides an overview of the experience of the Green Hospital project by Fundació Sanitària Mollet (Barcelona), which has successfully achieved the goal of becoming a net zero hospital in direct emissions....Read more

Health Management

United Imaging's uMR Omega Revolutionises MRI at Military Clinical Hospital, Ełk

2023 28 Nov

An overview of the collaboration between United Imaging and the Military Clinical Hospital in Ełk and the shared dedication to ensuring that a wide spectrum of patients can benefit from the highest standards of diagnostic accuracy and safety in medical imaging.     On the 11th of October, 2023, the Military Clinical Hospital in Ełk officially...Read more

Health Management

High-Resolution Digital PET/CT - uMI Vista at St. Orsola University Hospital

2023 13 Nov

World-renowned St. Orsola University Hospital (Policlinico di Sant’Orsola) integrates the cutting-edge High-Resolution Digital PET/CT - uMI Vista from United Imaging into their comprehensive Medical Oncology Unit.   United Imaging Healthcare Europe proudly announces that world-renowned St. Orsola University Hospital (Policlinico di Sant’Orsola)...Read more

Health Management

What Does For-Profit Ownership Imply for Hospital Management Sciences?

2023 30 Oct

For-profit hospitals are getting an ever-increasing share of the healthcare market. Since they do not structurally outperform other ownership types, questions arise on the desirability of this trend. For-profit strategies, such as consolidation, segmentalisation, and turnaround management, will affect the future hospital landscape and may disrupt...Read more

ICU Management

Why Artificial Intelligence is Not Fixing the Problem of Sepsis in the Hospital

2023 13 Oct

The use of Artificial Intelligence in detecting sepsis, AI prediction/detection models and how these healthcare tools need to complement clinical expertise.     The potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare has generated significant excitement and discussion. However, it's important to distinguish between the theoretical...Read more

ICU Management

Applying International Sepsis Guidelines by Screening High-Risk Hospitalised Patients With PSP

2023 13 Oct

Hospital and ICU nosocomial sepsis screening for acutely ill and high-risk patients and daily measurement of PSP to diagnose nosocomial sepsis three to five days before the onset of symptoms.     Introduction Sepsis is a major public health threat and is responsible for 11 million deaths per year (Rudd et al. 2020) among 48.9 million cases....Read more

Health Management

Profitable Future Hospitals

2023 30 Aug

Today’s hospitals are challenged by increasing demands and needs for hospital treatment by an ageing population and a general increase in the number of chronic patients. New players in the healthcare arena who today offer digital health services (e.g. Amazon, Google and Apple) threaten to further disrupt the current hospital landscape with new organisations...Read more

Health Management

Managing Hospital Communication

2023 28 Feb

From care activities to administrative activities in a health unit, communication is a critical factor for the strategy of organisations. That is why a strategic vision for communication in hospitals is essential. Through the three communication al-sectional dimensions for the implementation of communication management in health units, we can understand...Read more

Health Management

Hospitals-on-FHIR: Preparing Hospitals for European Health Data Space

2022 08 Jul

Hospitals and other healthcare organisations are where health data is predominantly created. If the European Health Data Space (EHDS) is to become a reality for citizens, both via supporting primary use as well as secondary use of health data, data located in these organisations needs to be able to be shared. Experts, industry, and EU-funded projects...Read more

Health Management

Carer Matters: Hospital to Home Care for the Caregiver

2022 29 Apr

Carer Matters offers a caregiver-centric approach to meet the unique and dynamic needs of caregivers of older persons during their adjustment from hospital to home, promoting both their well-being and ability to thrive at home. Key Points Family caregivers bear the brunt of responsibilities to deliver long-term care for their loved ones,...Read more

Executive Health Management

Transformation of Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg Hospital

2022 29 Apr

Dr Bruno De Peuter, Head of Medical Imaging and Musculoskeletal Radiology Specialist at Belgian hospital Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg, explains how the hospital transformed itself into a modern, well-respected, tertiary care centre. Over the past few decades, the medical imaging department at Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg (ZOL) has experienced...Read more

ICU Management

The Role of a Mortality Review Committee in a Paediatric and Maternity Hospital

2022 17 Feb

There is little information in the current literature on the organisation of mortality review committees in paediatric and maternity hospitals. This article aims to explain the objectives and function of the mortality review committee of our hospital, an articulated tool to improve the quality of patient care based on reviews of deaths in our centre....Read more

Health Management

Introducing Hospitalisation@ Home - Analysed Using the MAFEIP Tool

2021 20 Oct

This article explains how the MAFEIP tool helped project partners assess the impact and cost effectiveness of a digital home hospitalisation intervention project (NWE-Chance) for heart failure patients in the Netherlands and Belgium. Key Points Hospitalisation@Home (H@H) will move healthcare towards better sustainability and cost-effectiveness....Read more

Health Management

CardioFollow.AI - A Digital Follow-up Service Expanded Beyond the Hospital Walls

2021 09 Sep

An intelligent system to improve patients’ safety and remote surveillance in follow-up for cardiothoracic surgery CardioFollow.AI is a real-world pilot pushing forward the frontiers of follow-up care of cardiothoracic surgery patients to allow them to recover comfortably at home. This article briefly presents the work and principles undertaken...Read more

Health Management

Coded Patient Summary in Practice: A Hospital Challenge

2021 19 Mar

Faced with the necessity to share information from the electronic patient record across different systems, a regional hospital in Belgium introduced a disruptive ‘only once’ approach to deploy a SNOMED CT coded patient summary and minimise the relevant burden on the clinical staff. Key Points The information from the electronic...Read more

ICU Management

A French Hospital’s Journey Through the Pandemic

2021 22 Feb

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Foch Hospital in Suresnes, France adapted its medical strategy to manage high patient flow, limited resources and staff shortages to ensure efficient patient care. Here is an overview of how the hospital rose up to the challenge. H ow should we treat patients infected with a virus we know hardly anything...Read more

Health Management

Managing the Pandemic at Foch Hospital, France

2021 15 Feb

The COVID-19 pandemic has created havoc around the world. Foch Hospital in Suresnes, France had to implement a new and improved strategy to ensure effective patient care and staff safety during these challenging times. Here we review the changes that were implemented and their outcomes. Key Points Foch Hospital in Suresnes, France...Read more

Health Management

Utilising the Workflow Engine of Enterprise Imaging at King Faisal Specialist Hospital

2020 30 Nov

On 14 August 2020, King Faisal Specialist Hospital - Jeddah, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia went live with the Agfa HealthCare Enterprise Imaging for Radiology platform. spoke to Mustafa Hamdy, Regional Manager, Middle East region for Agfa HealthCare to learn more about the deployment and their future outlook in this region....Read more

ICU Management

Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest - Long-term Outcomes and their Predictors

2020 24 Nov

Out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) are associated with very high rates of mortality and poor cognitive outcome. This paper reviews long-term outcomes post OHCA and the pre-hospitalisation factors that predict them. Introduction Cardiac arrest is among the most common health emergencies worldwide, suffered by over a half million...Read more

Health Management

Innovating in Healthcare: Hospital Admissions at Home

2020 22 Oct

Today’s hospitals are not yet the hospitals of the future. Emerging societal challenges are demanding a shift towards hospital care at home. Although telemedicine, like telemonitoring and telerehabilitation, has been getting more popular in recent years, hospital admissions at home are still in their infancy. Current organisational and technological...Read more

Health Management

Building a Hospital Without Walls

2020 22 Oct

In the pursuit to achieve better population health, the Central Health Model of Care is designed to look beyond the hospital walls, and achieve the Five Population Health aims of Better Health and Better Value with Better People delivering Better Care to build a Better Community. Key Points A contextualised population...Read more

Health Management

Hospitals Go Green & Healthy

2020 22 Oct

Following their unique healing mission to ‘first, do no harm,’ hospitals and health professionals should lead the transition to carbon neutrality, reduce their environmental footprint, and adopt effective strategies to respond to the impacts of climate change and pollution without compromising the quality of care. Key Points...Read more

ICU Management

Night Service in the Intensive Care Unit of a University Hospital

2020 11 Aug

This article draws attention to the extensive range of tasks and the stresses and strains during night duty in intensive care units. To this end, the range of activities of night duty nursing staff is presented using the example of the Hannover Medical School. Night Service - An Important Service in the Multiple-Shift System In...Read more

Health Management

Conception of COVID-19 Auxiliary Hospital from Nursing Management Perspective

2020 03 Aug

The following experience report describes the development of a Personnel Concept in the field of patient medical care for the operation of the COVID-19 Auxiliary Hospital at the Hannover Exhibition Centre. The focus of the challenge was the creation of a Training Concept to provide adequate staff for patient care at the hospital. For this purpose,...Read more

Health Management

Fighting the Pandemic in Brazil - Experience of Largest Hospital Network

2020 03 Aug

Founded in 1977 by cardiologist Jorge Moll, Rede D’Or São Luiz (RDSL) is today the largest private hospital operator in Brazil, with 37 hospitals, including high-level Star units, and 5,200 operational beds. In the face of the pandemic, RDSL has been supporting the public system and participated in the creation of over 1,100 new beds for public...Read more

Health Management

Towards Post-COVID-19: Lessons and Challenges for Hospitals and Healthcare Infrastructures

2020 23 Jun

There is evidence of viral assaults possible repetitiveness in the foreseeable future. Prevention and preparedness are essential, especially for the health sector. Learning from the dramatic experience of Italy with COVID-19, this article addresses the major aspects of the role of the health technicians who, in parallel with the managerial and...Read more