IMAGING Management

Comparative Analysis of Cardiac MRI Recommendations in ESC & ACC/AHA Guidelines

2024 12 Jun

  Cardiac MRI has become a valuable tool in diagnosing and managing various cardiovascular conditions due to its noninvasive nature and ability to provide detailed anatomical and functional information. Standardised protocols are available, and its versatility allows for the investigation of a wide range of cardiac diseases. However, guidelines from...Read more

IMAGING Management

Enhancing Prostate Cancer Screening Efficiency With DL-Accelerated MRI

2024 29 May

  While multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) has become integral in prostate cancer (PCa) diagnosis, there's a debate regarding the inclusion of dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) sequences in future PI-RADS iterations due to questionable benefits. To address time constraints, biparametric (bp) protocols, omitting DCE sequences, have...Read more

IMAGING Management

AI Denoising in Neck CT Imaging Enhances Diagnostic Accuracy

2024 28 May

  Neck computed tomography (NCT) stands as a cornerstone in the diagnosis of suspected neck tumours and abscesses. However, the conventional reconstruction techniques used in NCT often pose a dilemma: how to balance diagnostic accuracy with radiation exposure. The quest for a solution led researchers to explore the efficacy of an AI-based denoising...Read more

IMAGING Management

Impact of 21st Century Cures Act on Patient Access to Radiology Reports

2024 09 Apr

  The 21st Century Cures Act, a landmark legislation signed into law in 2016, aimed to revolutionise healthcare delivery by addressing information blocking and promoting patient-centred care. A crucial aspect of this legislation was ensuring patients' timely access to their electronic health information, including radiology reports. Implemented in...Read more

IMAGING Management

Revised EUSOBI Guidelines on Axillary Lymphadenopathy After COVID-19 Vaccination

2024 06 Mar

  Axillary lymphadenopathy is a common side effect of the COVID-19 vaccination, leading to increased imaging-detected asymptomatic and symptomatic unilateral axillary lymphadenopathy. This has threatened to negatively impact the workflow of breast imaging services, leading to the release of ten recommendations by the European Society of Breast Imaging...Read more

IMAGING Management

How Patients Feel About Early Access to Imaging Results

2023 28 Mar

A new survey discovered that patients are overwhelmingly eager to receive access to their results from imaging exams. 8,139 respondents at 4 U.S. academic medical centres took part in the survey; 96% of respondents expressed their preference for access to the test results.   Although pilot studies suggested mixed responses regarding patient preferences...Read more

IMAGING Management

AI has the Potential to Increase Accessibility of MRI to More Patients

2023 30 Jan

According to a recent study published in Radiology, AI can reconstruct coarsely-sampled, fast MRI scans into high-quality images with diagnostic value that is close to those created using standard MRI. The study is part of the fast MRI initiative established by NYU Langone Health and Meta AI Research in 2018.   Reconstructing MRI imaging with AI...Read more

IMAGING Management

Novel Imaging System Promises Accurate and Faster Biopsy Results

2022 05 Oct

A recent pilot study highlighted the promising results of a novel imaging system using two-photon-fluorescence microscopy (TPFM). The results are highlighted in a pilot study, summarised in JAMA Dermatology.   During regular skin lesion biopsies for non melanoma skin cancer, a physician will examine the pathology under a microscope and depending on...Read more

IMAGING Management

New Imaging System Could Accelerate Cancer Prognosis

2022 23 Sep

A research team at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus discovered a new imaging information system that could accelerate prognosis for certain cancers, including pancreatic and gastrointestinal cancers.   For years the Ki67 protein has been the proliferation marker oncologists used for human tumor cells.  However, medical professionals...Read more

IMAGING Management

AI System Achieves Radiologist Accuracy in Detecting Breast Cancer from Ultrasound

2021 30 Sep

On 24 September in  Nature Communications , NYU and NYU Abu Dhabi researchers reported developing an artificial intelligence (AI) system with radiologist-level accuracy for identifying breast cancer in ultrasound.  Ultrasound is a critical tool used along with mammography for breast cancer screening, detection, and characterization. Compared to...Read more

IMAGING Management

Ultrasound Can Accurately Diagnose Common Hand Injuries

2021 31 May

A new study in  Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology s hows that ultrasound can accurately diagnose hand injuries, specifically tendon tears, further proving its use as a fast and indispensable tool. Researchers from Ain Shams University in Egypt aimed to validate the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound (US) scans in pre-operative evaluation...Read more

IMAGING Management

Yes, We Will Use J&J Vaccine!

2021 14 Apr

The Polish government has announced that 120 000 units of Johnson&Johnson vaccine arrived in Poland on Wednesday. Despite reports of rare blood clotting in some recipients, the vaccine will be used. The European Medicines Agency approved the vaccine for use in the European Union last month. However, the Health Minister Adam Niedzielski confirmed...Read more

IMAGING Management

Game Changer: COVID-19 Vaccine Offers 90% Protection

2020 11 Nov

According to the latest reports, the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech has been tested on 43,500 people in six countries and shows 90% protection within seven days after the second dose.   The vaccine, which has been tested in participants in the U.S., Germany, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa and Turkey, could be a real game-changer in...Read more

IMAGING Management

Diagnostic Test Accuracy of CXR, CT, Ultrasound in COVID-19 Patients

2020 12 Oct

Rapid diagnosis is critical for the efficient management of COVID-19 patients. This disease is new, theoretical knowledge is limited, as is clinical experience, and there is a shortage of evidence-based guidelines. All this has resulted in multiple opinions and recommendations for COVID-19 diagnosis. Many of these recommendations are based on early...Read more

IMAGING Management

AI and Radiologist Teamwork: 90% Accuracy Breast Cancer Diagnosis

2019 29 Oct

A new artificial intelligence (AI) tool, trained on more than a million screening mammography images, can identify breast cancer with up to 90% accuracy when combined with analysis by radiologists.    The AI model was developed by New York University researchers who pointed out that their AI application is intended to optimise the work of...Read more

IMAGING Management

Collapsed Lung Scans: New Technology Offers Accurate Reads

2019 24 Oct

New assistive technology developed by University of Waterloo researchers has been shown to be useful in diagnosing collapsed lungs from chest x-rays, with better accuracy than radiologists. The AI-driven system could serve as a “computational second opinion” for clinicians given that evaluation of this condition can at times be difficult. You...Read more

IMAGING Management

AI can improve medical imaging access

2019 20 Feb

Executive Summary Radiology plays an important role in patient screening, diagnosis, treatment guidance, monitoring and follow-up. The sad thing is that two-thirds of the world's population has no access to basic radiologic services. In the case of computer tomography (CT) for example, 14% of low-income countries have at least one CT equipment...Read more

IMAGING Management

'One Stick Standard': vascular access using ultrasound

2019 13 Feb

Executive Summary The majority of critical care patients (80%) undergo central venous catheterisations (CVCs) for administration of fluids or blood products; haemodynamic monitoring; haemodialysis or transvenous pacing. In this upcoming article in HealthManagement the Journal, Dr. Nidhi Nikhani, Assistant Medical Director at Banner Telehealth...Read more

IMAGING Management

#RSNA18: MRI more accurate to predict Alzheimer’s disease

2018 20 Nov

A new study that will be presented next week during the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) shows MRI brain scans are better at predicting the development of Alzheimer’s disease in patients compared to clinical tests commonly used today. Until now, the standardized questionnaires and tests to measure cognition and...Read more

IMAGING Management

Study: whole body MRI is well-accepted by most patients

2018 26 Sep

Whole body magnetic resonance imaging (WB-MRI) enables early cancer detection, without exposing the patient to ionising radiation. New research assessing patients' acceptance of WB-MRI as a procedure for cancer staging and follow up finds higher satisfaction with WB-MRI in patients who are more informed before the exam. "WB-MRI appears to be...Read more

IMAGING Management

Study: radiology access impacts stroke care delivery

2018 19 Sep

A new study has found gaps in the way different hospitals worldwide provide acute stroke care. Hospitals in developed countries are better resourced to deliver stroke care quickly, with advanced treatment, compared to their counterparts in poor or developing countries.   "Noting the differences in the management of acute stroke, strides should...Read more

IMAGING Management

Both CT, MRI can accurately detect cerebral venous thrombosis

2018 02 May

Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is a rare disease, and with poor prognosis. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are the most commonly used image modalities for patients with non-specific neurologic symptoms. A new meta-analysis assessed the accuracy of CT and MRI in the differential diagnosis of CVT and cerebral venous sinus...Read more

IMAGING Management

Acceptability of whole-body MRI for staging colorectal and lung cancer

2017 19 Sep

A new study sought to describe patient experience and acceptability of whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (WB-MRI) as a potential replacement for the modalities currently used for staging lung and colorectal cancer. The findings, published in the journal BMJ Open, confirm that WB-MRI can be a challenging experience and that staff support is important...Read more

IMAGING Management

Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Accurate, Faster, Less Painful

2017 15 May

A new study shows that point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) assessment of distal forearm injuries in children is accurate, timely and is associated with low levels of pain and high satisfaction. Findings of the study are published in Academic Emergency Medicine. See Also : Hand-held Ultrasound for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Detection When it comes...Read more

IMAGING Management

New Cardiac Imaging More Accurate By Removing Need To Breathe

2016 17 May

A new technique for cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging can improve accuracy by removing patients’ need to breathe, as the lack of motion allows acquisition of higher quality images in less time, according to research presented at EuroCMR 2016 in Florence, Italy. “In many imaging techniques, but particularly in CMR, you need a relatively...Read more

IMAGING Management

Accurate Ultrasound Can Detect Cardiovascular Disease Early

2016 25 Mar

Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have discovered a new and more accurate way to distinguish between harmful and harmless plaque in the blood vessels by using ultrasound . This can help healthcare providers determine the risk of strokes and heart attacks – which means avoiding unnecessary surgery for many patients, the Swedish scientists said....Read more

IMAGING Management

New Body to Streamline Future of CME Accreditation in Imaging

2016 01 Mar

The accreditation of radiological events in Europe for continuing medical education (CME) credits has entered a new era in 2016, with the formation of the Accreditation Council in Imaging (ACI). This new body was established by the European Board of Radiology (EBR) to cooperate with the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical...Read more

IMAGING Management

ACC Focus on Cardiac Imaging Appropriate Use

2015 20 Sep

Cardiac imaging growth has been on the decline over the past 10 years, indicating increased adherence to appropriate use criteria (AUC) for imaging tests, according to a Leadership Page article in the Journal of American College of Cardiology . "Physicians who have been provided with AUC data on their imaging use have recognised their shared responsibility...Read more

IMAGING Management

#UKRC2015: Higher Value Imaging According to Muir Gray

2015 29 Jun

The future is in our hands, according to Professor Sir Muir Gray presenting the Mayneord Lecture at UKRC 2015 in Liverpool today. Clinicians rather than health service commissioners need to be deciding how resources are spent on population imaging. “The future is something we have to imagine, design, plan and construct”, added Gray. Two healthcare...Read more

IMAGING Management

MRI Detects Breast Cancer with High Accuracy

2015 10 Apr

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can definitively diagnose around 90 percent of all breast cancers, compared to only 37.5 percent detection rate for the combined methods of mammography and ultrasound. This is the key finding of a study reported in the Journal of Clinical Oncology . The study was conducted at the University Department of Radiology...Read more