Executive Health Management

Paradigm Uses OpenAI’s API to Improve Patient Access to Clinical Trials

2024 06 Mar

  Clinical trials are how we discover new cures, and they can be a life-saving form of treatment.  Paradigm  is breaking down barriers in the healthcare industry with technology that brings clinical trials to more people,  such as cancer patients, while reducing the paperwork burden for doctors and nurses to address clinician burnout.   Clinical...Read more

Executive Health Management

Schadenfreude is not acceptable! How German Journalism Gets Me

2022 26 Aug

My dear readers,   It is time for thoughts from the island again. Before I share more, I hope you are all okay – despite the heat waves. As I said in my previous articles, what will be next? What else do we have to overcome, or is this our future - living and dealing with extreme situations, i.e. pandemics, war, climate chaos etc.?   This...Read more

Executive Health Management

Love Will Tear Us Apart — Not! Vaccination Laws Will!

2022 09 Feb

My dear readers,   It is time again for thoughts from the island of Great Britain. I hope you had an excellent and HEALTHY start to the new year! The first month is over, and another eleven are ahead of us. I am sure we all know that the next few months will be pretty challenging for all of us.   I missed my January article for some good reasons. Well,...Read more

Executive Health Management

COVID-19 Vaccinations: A Long-Term Strategy

2021 15 Dec

The World Health Organization labelled the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 a ‘variant of concern’ because of its potential to evade immunity conferred by prior infection and the current COVID-19 vaccines. These vaccines are directed against previous versions of the spike protein, which the virus uses to enter human cells. The possibility...Read more

Executive Health Management

How Lack of Accepted Standards Prevents Connected Health from Taking Off

2021 13 Oct

Lack of globally accepted standards in health data management hampers the advancement of Connected Health, which we hope, can give the world faster, cheaper, and more accessible preventive healthcare. With thousands and thousands of personal medical sensors available on the market, dozens of electronic health record systems used at hospitals,...Read more

Executive Health Management

Patient’s Voice to Cancel Cancer: When Accountability Becomes Responsibility

2021 03 May

In the past decades something happened in healthcare that doesn’t benefit patients. Actually, it is what we patient advocates call ‘Dying is safer’. For some of the stakeholders in the medical industrial complex it is safer to let patients die than to act. We can think of experimental medicines for patients with an unmet medical need. Why not...Read more

Executive Health Management

Nurse’s View: How Do I Feel About COVID-19 Vaccine?

2020 17 Dec

Inaugurating her new column with HealthManagement.org, Sabine Torgler reflects on the news about the start of the vaccination programme against COVID-19 in the UK from the nurse’s perspective.   Since two weeks ago, it is public that the UK is starting its vaccination programme against COVID-19. When the BBC reported it on Wednesday,...Read more

Executive Health Management

Sustainable access to affordable medicines: how can the multilateral trading system contribute?

2017 25 Sep

The 2015 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set the target of access to "safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all”, access to medicines long recognised as integral to achieving the right to health.  Yet the SDGs also stressed the need for coordination and cooperation -  emphasising the role of trade, partnership...Read more