1.      Push for Constant Learning on All Levels

“My top management tip is to create an environment of constant learning and development, being sure to include yourself in this process,” says Eric Poiseau, IHE Europe technical project manager, The French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation (INRIA).

Learning can take a variety of forms, including in-house education via team collaboration, attending courses, and learning with machines and mobile apps. With IT being a fast moving industry, it’s important that physicians as well as top-level management remain up-to-date about the latest developments that can improve learning and lead to a number of benefits from clinical outcomes, quality relationships, time efficiency and better data consolidation.

Exploit Machine Learning in All Areas

“Don’t focus on the problem; look for the solution,” says Mr. Ignacio Martinez Soriano, who was chief of IT at a public hospital in Lorca for 18 years.“With the onset of ‘big data’, we are in a new world of possibilities to improve the lives of patients.”

Data are everywhere, so IT teams and managers have the opportunity to harness this valuable resource.

“Inside a hospital environment, we need insight. The main process to understand is the way to transform data to information and into knowledge. We have many different kinds of data, and we can apply many machine learning algorithms (supervised and unsupervised learning), including deep learning, and reinforcement learning”, says Martinez Soriano.

Machine learning algorithms can be applied not only to clinical processes or targets, like the classical "cancer studio" or "cardiology graph", but also to administrative and financial processes, like reimbursement of the re-entry patient, prediction of collapse at the emergency door and ways to improve patient appointment and surgery waiting lists.

Facilitate Clinical Workflow Efficiency

“Digitalisation in healthcare is expected to drive the much needed change towards widespread value-based care and dramatically reduced cost,” Dr. Arthur Kaindl, Head of Digital Health Services at Siemens Healthineers told HealthManagement.org.

“Prerequisites for achieving these goals are amongst others instant transparency of clinical and operational performance and insights based on relevant data to address the healthcare provider’s biggest challenges. Another important point is the need for benchmarking across healthcare providers' clinical and operational value chains on a regional, national or even global level. Last but not least it is obvious that the exchange of experience is vital in improving outcomes for patients, particularly when it is about treating more complex diseases.

The Digital Ecosystem of Siemens Healthineers
is targeting these needs by linking healthcare providers and solution providers with one another as well as bringing together their data, applications and services.”

Fredrik Gustavsson, Sectra CTO, says that the three distinct areas in which IT directly facilitates clinical workflow efficiency are: data availability, user experience, and performance. Read more about this at:
Seven Steps to a More Efficient and Resilient IT Solution

Image Credit: Pixabay

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