Virtual dissection table Anatomage

Virtual dissection table Anatomage

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The Anatomage Table is the most technologically advanced anatomy visualization system for anatomy education and is being adopted by many of the world’s leading medical schools and institutions. It has been featured in the TEDTalks Conference, PBS, Fuji TV, and numerous other journals for its innovative approach to anatomy presentation. The operating table form factor combined with Anatomage’s renowned radiology software and clinical content separates the Anatomage Table from any other imaging system on the market. An All-in-One, Touch-Interactive Display System The Anatomage Table is a combination of unique hardware and software for the educational community. The form factor resembles an operating table or hospital bed and the real patient contents perfectly illustrate the anatomical realism of a living human. The Table comes pre-installed with: -3D gross body male and female contents -3D High Resolution regional anatomy -An optional digital anatomy library with over 120 pathological examples.
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111, n Market st #500,
San Jose, CA
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