Viewing software / medical / for dental imaging Endodontics Anatomage

Viewing software / medical / for dental imaging Endodontics Anatomage

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Anatomage has many applications for 3D imaging in the field of endodontics. Using Anatomage with your CBCT scan will aid in diagnostics, treatment planning, and follow up evaluation of endodontic therapy. Anatomage has the ability to open and visualize the full high resolution scans needed for endodontics, which is not a capability of most imaging software. Anatomage allows you to fully visualize and measure the canal systems in cross sections and 3D and assess the bone morphology surrounding a defect to determine its exact origin and extent. With cross sectional and 3D analysis, you can also accurately measure the anatomy in all planes to assist in apicoectomy treatment planning and canal obturation before surgery. Furthermore, post-operative scans allow you assess the final obturation quality and to track the healing over time with 4D superimposition of multiple scans. From the initial diagnostics to final treatment outcomes and longterm success evaluations, Anatomage provides the most powerful applications for 3D imaging in endodontics.
a:2:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:19:"Application domain:";s:3:"val";s:27:"for dental imaging, medical";}i:1;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:9:"Function:";s:3:"val";s:7:"viewing";}}
111, n Market st #500,
San Jose, CA
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