Veterinary dental extraction forceps / for molars 14110 Harlton's Equine Specialties

Veterinary dental extraction forceps / for molars 14110 Harlton's Equine Specialties

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The 4-Prong molar extractor is designed to remove teeth that are irregular, geriatric or have a short crown. They are available in two sizes, 15” and 19”. The 15" version is built on a smaller, thinner, very high strength stainless steel frame. It is designed for ponies and miniature horses, but is strong enough to work well on large horses. The 19" 4-Prong Extractors are more universal. They work well for removing molar caps on young horses and molars on middle aged horses. They also work well on some fractured molars, and extremely well on geriatric horses. Both extractors feature a box joint and are made of stainless steel.
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200 North Main Street,
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