USB spirometer / computer-based Pocket-Spiro® USB10 MEC Medical Electronic Construction R&D

USB spirometer / computer-based Pocket-Spiro® USB10 MEC Medical Electronic Construction R&D
Pocket-Spiro® USB10

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The Pocket-Spiro® USB10 is a high precision spirometer that plugs direcly into your computer’s USB port. The PDI software includes powerful spirometry tools allowing you to measure more than 40 parameters. Enhenced Spirometry software. The PDI spirometry software allows you to perform in real time a complete spirometry with: ·PRE-POST bronchodilatator comparison ·Bronchial challenge test with FEV1 ( and Rocc *) dose-response curve. ·Spirometry interpretation with quality control and lung age estimation. ·The software includes also a series of paediatric incentive animations.
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Unit 3, Trust Industrial Estate Wilbury Way,
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