UPLC chromatography detector / photodiode array ACQUITY UPLC® PDA e? Waters Ges.m.b.H

UPLC chromatography detector / photodiode array ACQUITY UPLC® PDA e? Waters Ges.m.b.H

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The ACQUITY UPLC® Photodiode Array (PDA) e? Detector allows your laboratory to detect and quantify lower concentrations of sample analytes and compare spectra across ultraviolet and visible wavelengths and broad concentration ranges. It has data rates of up to 80 Hz, noise specifications of ±3 µAU, and an extended linear dynamic range. The PDA e? detector can fulfill multiple UPLC®/MS detection strategy requirements for the identification of components that are difficult to resolve by conventional HPLC-based methods. Features: Extended wavelength range of 190 to 800 nm for a greater diversity of applications Quantitates trace impurities with high optical and digital resolution Library matching and peak purity assessment for increased confidence in compound identification Detects peaks generated by fast UPLC/PDA separations with fast sampling rates for accurate, reproducible integration Offers efficient light transmission and low noise characteristics for maximum sensitivity Provides simultaneous 2D and 3D operation in either Empower™ or MassLynx™ Software Quantitate Up to 2.0 AU without compromising linearity
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Koike Building No 5,
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