Surgical laser / phlebology / diode / tabletop VELASII GIGAA LASER

Surgical laser / phlebology / diode / tabletop VELASII GIGAA LASER

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The VELAS 15W 1470nm, Varicose Vein Diode Laser System is the latest outcome after the huge success of VELAS810/980nm diode laser system. It is a new generation 1470 nm diode laser system. To learn the 1470 nm wavelength corresponding to a peak of water absorption, a latest solution has been originated lately for the patients who are suffering from the varicose veins. It is the intracellular water of the vein wall and water content of blood that provides lots of opportunities for the 1470nm laser energy. Therefore, a superior treatment for varicose veins becomes possible with such improved application. Moreover, this device provides complete privilege to the inventors as it is developed as a new generation diode laser system, VELAS15D, in order to provide a completely new experience to the patients through its inventive technology. The device comprises of a full accessories kit to offer the utmost solution by better treatment in great saphenous vein, smallsaphenous vein, and perforating vein as well as the demotology disease. Not only has that, but the device, VELAS15D, lessened post-surgery pain as well.
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