Surgical laser / gynecological surgery / diode / tabletop VELAS™ GIGAA LASER

Surgical laser / gynecological surgery / diode / tabletop VELAS™ GIGAA LASER

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The VELAS series from GIGAA LASER is a 60W Gynecology Surgical Diode Laser System that offers a multiple choice for different clinical requirements with customized wavelength options of 810nm, 940nm, 980nm and 1470nm which suits your needs and requirements. Surgical applications require a technology that offers equally effective ablation and coagulation options whereas laser systems involve in Urology, EVLT, ENT, Dental, Gynecological, Orthopedic, Plastic surgery and other areas. New laser systems are introduced to bring new technology and application for the health and safety of the patients. The main advantages being GIGAA LASER focuses on medical diode laser system and accessories for application in a wide range of medical specialities and providing high quality and cost effective kind of medical laser using the perfect Chinese resource industry.
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