Pediatric stander / walking LIW GO LIW Care Technology

Pediatric stander / walking LIW GO LIW Care Technology

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The LIW Go Walker is a unique and innovative rehabilitation device that is designed to aid a child in learning to walk correctly and similar to anatomic pattern. It is fully independent, battery powered mobile walker equipped with remote control which enables left and right turning. It consists of a mobile frame connected to a brace with the use of a lift mechanism. The brace assists in stable and safe standing, whereas the frame powered by small electric motors teaches a child to walk properly. Eccentric units provide anatomical hip and knee joint motion which instructs a child to walk correctly in four different speeds. The walker is recommended to children ages 2-12 years suffering from lower extremity palsy, thorax paresis, multiple sclerosis (MS), cerebral palsy, myelomeningocele, spinal fracture with paralysis, and spinal cord injuries (lumbar, thoracic, cervical regions).
  • Features:pediatric, walking
Golfowa Straße 7,
94 406
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