Electrical stretcher chair / stand-up / on casters BAFFIN TRIO LIW Care Technology

Electrical stretcher chair / stand-up / on casters BAFFIN TRIO LIW Care Technology

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The BAFFIN TRIO Stander is an unique, multifunctional device that improves the quality of life for disabled people. The BUFFIN TRIO is characterized by the unique design of the backrest which simulates the human spine. It has adjustable dimensions settings. It is designed from children to adults 140 cm tall and higher suffering from abnormal curvature of the spine, muscle dysfunction and muscle dystrophy, cerebral palsy, palsies of different origin, tetra and paraplegia. The BAFFIN TRIO Stander passively corrects the posture in the sitting and standing position. The device enables optimal positioning of the patient's spine and pelvis which significantly helps the respiratory, blood circulation and digestive systems to work properly. The innovate design of the human spine enables individual fitting.
  • Operation:electrical
  • Features:stand-up
  • Options and accessories:on casters
Golfowa Straße 7,
94 406
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