Passive wheelchair TriPod LT Freedom Designs

Passive wheelchair TriPod LT Freedom Designs
TriPod LT

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Freedom Designs' newly designed manual mid wheel drive wheelchair features the Mid wheel or "drive" wheel position which allows for the hand to naturally fall into place. The large wheels located on the center frame allow for a much tighter turning radius. A trailing caster ads extra stability and acts as a rolling anti-tipper. A tilting frame allows the user or caregiver to maneuver efficiently over small objects & low curbs. Tubing allows for the use of conventional hardware & seating or the standard seat pan allows for easy attachment and removal of the seat cushion. The TriPod is available in Standard and Pediatric sizes and with or without Transport Option (WC 19 crash test approved).
2241 Madera Rd,
Simi Valley
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