Passive wheelchair / reclining Freedom CGX Freedom Designs

Passive wheelchair / reclining Freedom CGX Freedom Designs
Freedom CGX

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Freedom Designs is pleased to announce the introduction of the NEW Freedom CGX (Center of Gravity eXperience) tilt in space wheelchair. Users, caregivers, and home medical equipment providers often complain that the appearances of tilt in space wheelchairs have been congested and clinical looking. The team at Freedom Designs tackled that issue and introduced the CGX, which has a clean and open appearance. With its robust frame design and the required functionality needed for a tilt in space chair it is creating new excitement in the market! One of the greatest features of the CGX is both the cable-free design and the elimination of the need for conventional tilt mechanisms. The new cable-free design results in fewer moving parts and less maintenance. The entire tilt engagement system is under the center of the chair and not on the sides, adding to the clean, non-clinical beauty of the chair. Another notable absence from this wheelchair: mech locks (look like bicycle shock absorbers). There is a foot lever located at the rear of the chair. This creates a smooth tilting of the wheelchair. The tilt is activated to the desired level by simply depressing the foot pedal. No more having to grasp hold of the cable-activated mech locks and having to squeeze tightly to get the wheelchair to tilt. The tilting is now almost effortless with the introduction of the foot pedal. In addition, the curved tubes sandwiched between common wheel bearings provide stability and smooth travel as the CGX tilts from -10° anterior to +50° posterior.
2241 Madera Rd,
Simi Valley
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