Oxygen mask / facial / medium-concentration 1145000 Intersurgical

Oxygen mask / facial / medium-concentration 1145000 Intersurgical

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Can you provide the care they need, and the protection you need? Your patient is at risk and needs help, but can you be sure there is no risk to you from cross-infection? Patients with respiratory infections have specific needs and yet pose a specific risk. Conventional oxygen masks can generate a plume of particles from their exhalation ports, which can travel a distance of 0.4 metres[1] [2] resulting in a potential risk. The FiltaMask™ combines an oxygen delivery system with a filter media covering the exhalation ports. FiltaMask is intended for use on patients with respiratory infections who may be a source of aerosolised infectious pathogens and who also require supplementary oxygen. The FiltaMask is designed to reduce the risk to paramedics, hospital staff and visitors[3]. The recent World Health Organisation warning to travellers to the Middle East to be on the alert after the emergence of a deadly new coronavirus highlights these risks. FiltaMask combines oxygen delivery with proven filtration efficiency to help reduce the risk to you. Features and benefits include: - Incurved face seal providing improved level of fit and comfort - On-chin positioning providing a better fit to a wider range of face shapes - Low elastic position eliminating trauma to the patient's ears - Integral filter media reducing the risk of escaping aerosols
a:2:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:22:"Other characteristics:";s:3:"val";s:20:"medium-concentration";}i:1;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:13:"Applications:";s:3:"val";s:6:"oxygen";}}
Crane House Molly Millars Lane,
RG41 2RZ Wokingham, Berkshire
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