Mapping catheter / sizing / renal / vascular Accu-Vu® Angiodynamics

Mapping catheter / sizing / renal / vascular Accu-Vu® Angiodynamics

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Radiopaque markers show consistent placement across the entire sizing pattern, within +/-1 mm accuracy Strategically positioned first marker enables placement of catheter tip right above the renal artery level with the marker at the top of the renal artery, limiting filling of superior mesenteric artery with contrast when mapping the aorta and bifurcation branches, and reducing the overall volume of contrast used per procedure Accu-Vu Omni™ Flush sizing catheter provides a more concentrated contrast bolus using less contrast without reflux First-of-its-kind catheter on the market with an enhanced, soft radiopaque tip A softer, less traumatic tip with just the right degree of rigidity provides safer, faster navigation to the target anatomical site A broad selection of both 4 French and 5 French catheters, representing a full range of segment sizing, assures the right match for virtually every anatomical and procedural measurement need Specialized Catheter Options Available
  • Application:mapping, sizing
  • Area of the body:renal, vascular
603 Queensbury Ave,
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