Cardiac ablation radiofrequency generator StarBurst® Angiodynamics

Cardiac ablation radiofrequency generator StarBurst® Angiodynamics

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The only thermal-based ablation system with real-time tissue monitoring at the margin of the ablation. Real time temperature monitoring ensures predictable volumes of tissue are ablated and provides the lowest local recurrence rates of the major RF ablation devices available to treat patients. (Ann Surg Oncol, 2006) How Does RFA Work? Radiofrequency Interstitial Tissue Ablation (RITA or RFA) is a minimally invasive procedure in which a thin needle electrode is inserted into an unresectable liver lesion under ultrasound or CT guidance. Electrical energy is delivered through the electrode to the lesion which produces heat within the cells surrounding the electrode. When all cells within the lesion, as well as a margin around it, are heated beyond the lethal threshold (53°C), the procedure is complete (approximately 11 minutes for a 4 cm ablation zone).
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603 Queensbury Ave,
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