LED dental light / 1-arm 3000 - 35000 lux | MAIA FARO

LED dental light / 1-arm 3000 - 35000 lux | MAIA FARO
3000 - 35000 lux | MAIA

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High technology in tune with the market The ideal solution for anyone looking for a LED dental operating light with high performances at an affordable price. Faro patented optical system, removable and sterilizable handles and, from now on, a new electronic board which ensures the perfect compatibility with the video acquisition systems and diagnostic tools, that nowadays are even more common in the dental practices. Patented optical project with reflected light Thanks to its exclusive optical project with reflected light, and through the 258 small reflecting facets included in each of the two parables, Maia dental light avoids the direct vision of the 2 LEDs, creating a 170 x 85 mm spotlight area absolutely uniform. The accurate definition of the spotlight removes the glare, protecting your patients’ eyes.
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via Faro 15,
Milano MI
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