Dental turbine / with LED light 340 000 rpm | S333 FARO

Dental turbine / with LED light 340 000 rpm | S333 FARO
340 000 rpm | S333

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Quiet, powerful, reliable and accurate in all conditions of use The S333 is the model that positioned FARO as an industry world leader in the production of dental turbines. Today we wish to revive the name to identify a new turbine intended to renew the past success. The S333 is the result of an extensive development project of all its components, which are produced by FARO with the collaboration of the best specialists. The S333 is a turbine with excellent features, designed for the best work in all conditions. The S333 is also unique for its distinctive sound: its insulated sonority, which never becomes irritating, was achieved with an in-depth optimization of airflows and discharges. The ergonomic study of shape and the appropriate weight distribution, only 55 grams, allowing you to work with the highest precision while maintaining excellent visibility to the working area in all positions. The treatments, carried out on a perfectly smooth surface, ensure a secure grip, allowing to take full torque advantage.
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via Faro 15,
Milano MI
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