LCD display / monochrome / medical / diagnostic 5 MP | Coronis MDCG-5121 Barco

LCD display / monochrome / medical / diagnostic 5 MP | Coronis MDCG-5121 Barco
5 MP | Coronis MDCG-5121

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5 MegaPixel premium diagnostic grayscale display system allows for superior quality images without pixelization. The precision-engineered life-like images are displayed on comfortable viewing angles. This device delivers high luminance and excellent contrast for diagnostic imaging and is used for CT scans, MRI and regular X-rays. The high-end sensor technology of the display system is also equipped with a reliable online webs service that allows for centralized quality management. The device has an integrated I-Guard which adjusts itself according to the brightness of the room. An amazing 1024 shades of gray are available out of a palette of 4096 and that too simultaneously.
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:11:"Technology:";s:3:"val";s:15:"LCD, monochrome";}}
Beneluxpark 2,
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