Laboratory shaker / 3D / bench-top 3 - 60 rpm | GyroTwister™ Labnet International

Laboratory shaker / 3D / bench-top 3 - 60 rpm | GyroTwister™ Labnet International
3 - 60 rpm | GyroTwister™

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The GyroTwister™ GX-1000 shaker has a 3-dimensional shaking motion so it is gentle and yet extremely efficient, making it perfect for staining gels, general mixing, hybridization, as well as other applications. You can adjust the shaking speed across a broad range, and samples are held in place during operations by a non-slip rubber mat and elastic tie-downs. Tubes can be held in place with the dimpled mat is included, shaker capacity can be increased with a stacked standard platform configuration or larger platforms that are available. The shaker is safe to use in environments with temperature control.
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