Laboratory automatic digester (Kjeldahl type) DKL series VELP Scientifica

Laboratory automatic digester (Kjeldahl type) DKL series VELP Scientifica
DKL series

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Fully Automatic Kjeldahl Digestion Units for nitrogen analysis and protein determination that incorporate the revolutionary TEMS™ technology for unprecedented Savings in terms of Time, Energy - as much as 35%, Money and Space. The fully auto DKL Kjeldahl digestion unit series is the ideal solution for nitrogen content determination that comes as a ready to use package, including an aluminum heating block (that offers excellent temperature homogeneity, precision and accuracy), an auto lift and auto suction cap, test tubes, sample rack and drip tray. The innovative DKL incorporates the revolutionary TEMS™ technology for unprecedented savings in terms of Time, Energy - as much as 35%, Money and Space. DKL Series offers an excellent test precision and repeatability and is available in the following configurations: DKL 8 (8-position with 250 ml tubes, Ø 42 mm) DKL 12 (12-position with 250/400 ml tubes, Ø 42 mm) DKL 20 (20-position with 250/400 ml tubes, Ø 42 mm) DKL 42/26 (42-position with 100 ml tubes, Ø 26 mm)
via Stazione 16,
Usmate (MI)
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