Intubation fiberscope Clarus Shikani Clarus Medical

Intubation fiberscope Clarus Shikani Clarus Medical
Clarus Shikani

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With over a decade of clinical experience, the Shikani SOS is the ideal fiberoptic tool for double-lumen and ET tube placement. Proven Effective For Over a Decade The Clarus Shikani originated in 1999 when Dr. Alan Shikani, an ENT physician out of Baltimore MD, identified the need for a malleable, fiberoptic stylet to be used for difficult intubations. Since then, it has become the cornerstone of the Clarus line of difficult airway devices, and a popular tool for physicians worldwide. Ideal for Double Lumen Placement The Clarus Shikani is specifically designed to accommodate the length of a double lumen tube. Its’ adjustable tube stop can be fixed at any point on the stylet to accommodate various ET tube sizes. With the versatility of the Shikani, you can be sure your patient is intubated quickly and easily.
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13355 10th Ave North, Suite 110,
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