Intubation fiberscope Clarus Levitan Clarus Medical

Intubation fiberscope Clarus Levitan Clarus Medical
Clarus Levitan

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When a patient presents with significant trauma, C-spine injury or a small mouth opening, you’ll want a familiar tool that works just as well in those difficult airways as it does in a routine intubation. Versatility for Any Emergency Intubation The Clarus Levitan combines several difficult intubation devices into one; malleable stylet, fiberoptic scope and oxygen insufflation. Use it to place your ET tube, LMA, tracheostomy tube, and more. Adjunct to Video Laryngoscopy In cases where a video laryngoscope does not provide an unobstructed view of the vocal cords, the Clarus Levitan can help you see further. Replace your blind, rigid stylet with a Levitan, just in case your patient doesn’t have the anatomy of a mannequin.
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13355 10th Ave North, Suite 110,
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