Handheld pulse CO-oximeter / with separate sensor Pronto-7® Masimo

Handheld pulse CO-oximeter / with separate sensor Pronto-7® Masimo

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The Pronto-7 offers noninvasive and quick spot-check testing of total hemoglobin (SpHb), SpO2, pulse rate, and perfusion index, which may provide the following benefits: Clinician > Facilitates timely patient assessment > Reduces the need to wait for lab results Staff > Easy-to-use — Improves efficiency > Decreases risk of accidental needle stick and exposure to blood-borne pathogens > Requires no lab consumables or waste disposal Patient > Reduces painful needle sticks and time-consuming blood draws > Enables immediate face-to-face counseling with clinician
  • Configuration:with separate sensor, handheld
Puits Godet, 10,
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