Stay informed at every point of care
In compliance with out-of-hospital patient transport standards such as EN1789, EN13718-1, IEC60601-1-12 and U.S. military standards, N1 is a highly competent solution for various out-of-hospital transport settings both on land and in air. The N1's exceptional reliability and strong performance enhance your confidence to provide seamless patient care during transport no matter intra or out of hospital.
One monitor, Multiple solutions
N1 as a Transport Monitor
Enhanced data analysis greatly improves parameters' accuracy and anti-interference ability. Its fully integrated sidestram CO2 module monitors the patient's breathing situation by connecting with sampling line directly, freeing caregivers from the shackles of expanding external modules for transport.
When connected to a bedside patient monitor, advanced parameters collected from the host monitor such as AG and BIS, etc., will also be stored in N1 with trend data and alarm events reviewable even when it is disconnected.
Patient-Centric Data Collection
When connected to a bedside patient monitor, advanced parameters collected from the host monitor such as AG and BIS, etc., will also be stored in N1 with trend data and alarm events reviewable even when it is disconnected.
Full monitoring function that fits into your hand