Home patient weighing scale / electronic / ultra-compact / portable HD-386 Tanita Europe

Home patient weighing scale / electronic / ultra-compact / portable HD-386 Tanita Europe

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Weighing just 1 lb (500 g), the Tanita HD-386 is one of, if not THE smallest personal scale in the world. It’s an ultra-portable scale that comes with a protective case, making it ideal for traveling professionals. It can easily be stored away in a storage box or drawer. There are different color options for the HD-386: red, black, orange, pearl white, and green. It is suitable for use by adults and children. The extra large display, with its tap-on activation, makes the scale easy to use.
  • Domain:home
  • Configuration:portable, ultra-compact
  • Technology:electronic
Hoogoorddreef 56E,
1101 BE Amsterdam
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