Foot prosthesis (lower extremity) / dynamic / adult DuraLite™ Willow Wood

Foot prosthesis (lower extremity) / dynamic / adult DuraLite™ Willow Wood

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The DuraLite foot provides active amputees a light-weight, responsive foot for their prostheses. The foot is lightweight with high-energy return, is easily field-height adjustable, and incorporates a urethane toe pad for enhanced medial and lateral motion. The DuraLite’s split heel conforms to the floor and provides stability on uneven terrain. The choice of a pyramid adapter, pyramid receiver, or torsion receiver is offered for a proximal adapter. A unique feature of this foot is a Stair Guard that reduces the risk of the shin adapter catching on a step when descending stairs. The DuraLite Foot may also be purchased precut to the foot's minimum build height at no charge.
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