Electronic humidifier / warming CondEx Gründler Medical

Electronic humidifier / warming CondEx Gründler Medical

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Problem On dual tube ventilation combined with active humidification several types of ventilators consistently show alarms or malfunctions, especially when using dually heated tubing systems. Reason ...is the occlusion of measuring ports for pressure and gas flow by rainout inside the ventilator’s expiration block. Results …are stressed-out users, emergency missions as well as exchange of valve units or ventilators. Another consequence is the substitution of - in general reasonable or even required - dual tube ventilation by a more stable single tube ventilation. Solutions ...for this issue are now available: Condensate formation at the sensitive areas and thus occlusion of measuring ports is avoided by selective heating of the respective zone of the ventilator. By this, the problem is solved at its origin and evades suboptimal solutions like non heated tubes and water-traps. Advantages …for patients, users and attending HomeCare-companies are obvious:companies are obvious: Reduced malfunctions and alarms, improved hygienic circumstances, improved customer satisfaction and reduced workload for personnel create additional free space for more important issues. reliably avoid condensate formation inside expiration blocks of your ventilator improve system stability and thus convenience of both user and patient are safe and easy-to-use are „made in Germany“ and manufactured according to the highest quality requirements are CE marked and approved for use together with HumiCare® perfectly fit to your RESMED ventilator in the twinkling of an eye without any modification

292, allée Jacques Monod,
69791 St-Priest
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