Electric foot massager (physiotherapy) FJ 018 Fuji Chair

Electric foot massager (physiotherapy) FJ 018 Fuji Chair
FJ 018

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Duple Fit Foot Massager helps massage and squeeze away tension, pain and stress. Just like real hands working your calves, ankle and feet. The therapeutic air compression on your calves and feet and reflexology massage on the soles of the feet would help improve circulation and balance the energy in your body. Air-knead-Reflex foot System is the world's first foot care idea and technology.It combines both "AIR","KNEAD",and "REFLEX" technologies. Flexible kneading disks squeeze and energize muscle as soothing vibration improves circulation. It stimulates vital acupressure points to tone, shape and beautify legs. Tri-Action massage targets Essential areas, calf, ankle and foot all at the same time for a most realistic and invigorating massage. Synergetic combination of kneading and vibratory actions penetrates deeply giving a wrap around 3D massage stimulation which is hard to believe with traditional massage.
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