Drying cabinet / sterilization / for healthcare facilities Olympic Sterile-Driers™ Natus Medical Incorporated

Drying cabinet / sterilization / for healthcare facilities Olympic Sterile-Driers™ Natus Medical Incorporated
Olympic Sterile-Driers™

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Olympic Sterile-Driers™ are the preferred driers following various high level disinfection methods like pasteurization for the safety and efficiency. As per the recommendations by the Infection Control Authorities, these driers offer faster drying in Bio-Clean air. The functioning of drier includes passage of air into drying chamber with a pre-filter which removes large particles from the air. Subsequently it enters HEPA- filter which removes particles larger than 0.3 micron with an efficiency of as good as 99.97%. This also ensures the elimination of chances of contamination through airborne pathogens on wet and warm parts. Each drying chamber is equipped with HEPA-filter which results in prolonged shelf-life of filters. The recirculating heat in the chambers ensures faster drying as more than 80% of heat is recirculated. Vertical air flow dries the tubes faster as air is forced through each lumen. Driers are well equipped with see through doors for better view. To avoid sticking of gel masks, it contains coated trays. The drier is made up of aluminum hence it is rust –proof and has longer shelf-life. For the drying of inside & outside of breathing bags, is comprises of Optional bag drier.
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Robert-Koch-Str. 1,
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