Dental treatment unit with motor-driven chair Excellence Ritter Concept GmbH

Dental treatment unit with motor-driven chair Excellence Ritter Concept GmbH

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Unit basic equipment dentist element hanging hoses (option: dentist element swinging ) water unit, chair mounted assistant element rotating porcelain cuspidor bowl operating light electrical patient chair security switch public water or aqua bottle system 1 stool upholstery available in 8 colors Operating Light - on/off switch - low and high light intensity - lamp burst protection dentist-touchpanelDentist Touch Panel - memory set button - x-ray viewer on/off - operating lamp on/off - memory call button - heating for cup filler - cup filler - bowl flush - patient chair movements - chair and backrest up/down - three free programmable positions - one zero position (entrance/exit)
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:12:"Composition:";s:3:"val";s:23:"with motor-driven chair";}}
Grüner Weg 32,
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